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Funding Opportunities

Community Partnerships

In the past three years, the Jackson Hole Travel and Tourism Board has partnered with more than 15 local organizations and provided more than $2.5 million in funding to manage, market, steward, and develop the destination. Current partners include Friends of Bridger-Teton, Rendezvous Events, and the Teton County Historic Preservation Board.

JHTTB funding through Community Partnerships has protected and advanced Jackson, ensuring tourism is a positive force in our community. JHTTB funding has been directly attributed for minimizing human-caused wildlifes and human-wildlife interactions in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, increasing winter visitation and responsible recreation on Jackson’s nordic trails, educating visitors upon first arrival at the Jackson Hole Airport, and much more.


The Jackson Hole Travel and Tourism Board (JHTTB) is an opportunistic Board who considers funding requests quarterly that align with the Board’s mission and vision and fall within the guidelines from the Wyoming State Statute. Organizations with opportunities involving destination management, destination development, destination marketing, or destination stewardship are invited to apply.


After an application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the Executive Director and County Attorney to confirm eligibility. If the project meets eligibility requirements, the applicant will be contacted to schedule a presentation to the full JHTTB during a regularly scheduled Board Meeting. Applications that are incomplete or not received by the application due date and that do not include a completed budget using the JHTTB budget template provided will not be considered.

Quarter Application Due Public Board Discussion Presentation & Vote
Q1 June 15 July Board Meeting August Board Meeting
Q2 September 15 October Board Meeting November Board Meeting
Q3 December 15 January Board Meeting February Board Meeting
Q4 March 15 April Board Meeting May April Board Meeting


Contact the JHTTB Executive Director, Crista Valentino, at

Applicant Resources

  • Grand Teton Music Festival is funded by the Jackson Hole Travel and Tourism Board

    PDF Application

    This resource is available to view the entire JHTTB Community Partnerships Funding Application, but please note that the application must be completed online via Google Forms.

    View & Download
  • Event Funding

    Events taking place between the last weekend of September and the first weekend of June may be eligible for JHTTB event funding.

    Learn more


JHTTB Partners

Upon funding approval, partners will complete a contract with the JHTTB before beginning work. The JHTTB requires that the Visit Jackson Hole logo and messaging be appropriately represented throughout the project, using logos and brand guidelines outlined in the media kit. As project work is completed and expenses are accrued, the partner may submit vouchers for reimbursement of expenses as agreed to in the contract. For questions on the voucher process and reimburseable expenses, contact

Upon project completion, all JHTTB partners are expected to submit a recap report online.

Partner Resources

  • JHTTB Media Kit

  • Flower in front of the Tetons represents sustinability in Jackson Hole

    JHTTB Voucher

    View & Download
  • Starry night in Jackson Hole Wyoming

    Community Partnerships Recap Report